Saturday, August 21, 2010

The tangled web......

"Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive."- Sir Walter Scott

Some among us would say that I'm being a bit deceptive in my advertisements about the Chief of Police and the Firefighter's union.

Would I lie to you?

I will admit that I can't stand the police chief myself. I'd suspend him if I had the opportunity. I pretty much think he's worthless, but he's a means to a political end.

As for the firefighters........listen, I ain't giving them a 7.5% raise. Everyone with a functioning brain KNOWS that, but it secured their endorsement, and really that's all I was after. I did agree to let them work 15 hours and get paid for 60 though. That's a good tradeoff in my glorious opinion.

Now, the third prong of this alleged deception is Dopey. Sure he's been campaigning for me on the "down low"......we certainly don't want that to get into the paper or on some website. I really don't trust him. He is from Alabama City after all. The admonition I gave during the last race still stands: WHY WOULD YOU VOTE FOR SOMEONE FROM ALABAMA CITY? Really folks, think about it. Only Country Club/Clubview folks named Means should run the City of Steve.

Supposedly, the fourth prong of this web of deceit is yours truly. The talk is that I will say anything or do anything to get elected. My response: I plead the fifth (and not a fifth of bourbon either). An example provided by my detractors is my ad from the other day where I say I will STOP charging folks from Gadsden to go to the Falls. I fully realize that I'm the one that STARTED charging, but I hope you will forget that.

Keep drinking,