Every four years I undertake the chore of feeding everyone in town. I do this so that people that haven't seen me since the last election day can get a glimpse of this gorgeous mug.
A few weeks ago it was the GCHS band. I took the opportunity to feed them pizza and bash the current mayor, even though they can't vote. Pretty classy of me if you want to know the truth.
More recently, I fed the cheerleaders. Pay no attention to the video on my campaign website that makes me look like a weirdo.
Monday, I fed the residents of the Holy Comforter some delicious Connie's Coneys. I've heard talk that this could be considered elder abuse. That is not true.
Today, I force fed doughnuts to city workers. Of course they were from Cothran's. Thanks M.N. for the suggestion!
Tomorrow, who knows?...I'm thinking Krystal burgers for somebody.
Eat, Drink (Yes indeed), and be merry!