Friday, August 6, 2010

Friday's with Steve: Your questions answered!

Occasionally, I like to take time to answer questions I've received from the little people, my constituents. Here goes.....

Question: What do you mean when you use the word "invest" in relation to taxpayer money?

Answer: I mean I will spend it as quick as it comes in. Ever heard the term "spend like a drunken sailor" in relation to a lifelong politician?

Question: Have you been kicked out of any community meetings lately?

Answer: Define "kicked out" for me? If you mean asked to comment.

Question: What do you say to those that will never vote for you because of the "Don't turn Gadsden into Birmingham" stunt you pulled eight years ago?

Answer: Don't hold that against me, We almost DID turn Gadsden into Birmingham. Notice how many folks went to jail that worked closely with my last administration!

Question: What prompted the letters to Alabama City and the Mountain?

Answer: Face it, I got destroyed in those two areas last time. I have to do or say anything to try to keep that from happening this time. It's the only chance I have and you know me, I'll do what I have to do.

Question: Are you going to First Friday, and if so, where can we find you?

Answer: Yes, and I'll be at a bar near you.

Let the good times roll!