Wednesday, August 25, 2010

My political career in ruins.....

The voters have spoken, and they pimp slapped me back to Sangster Road.

Their message seemed to be the following: Hit the Road Jack

Surely there was some mistake... I called Rush Limbaugh...err Jay Holland last night to see if he could do some investigation. He wouldn't take my call. He was too busy trying to smooth things over with the mayor. So I took twenty shots or so and fell asleep face down in a "present" left by Riley in the backyard.

I woke up this morning in a fog...I thought I had been in a fight. In reality the gallon of Old Crow got to me.

I said early on that my campaign was akin to the maiden voyage of The Titanic..... and I was right!

Is this the last time I will run? Depends. Will Sherman run again? If so, I want NO part of that battle.

In closing, I'd like to thank all the little people, my supporters. The ones such as Taylor who spent all day at the Falls berating voters. The ones that tried to vote even if they didn't live in Gadsden. Thank you for your...crappy effort. I mean after all, this butt kicking can't be my fault, it can't be my message, so it has to be the fault of the hired help.

Surely voters are not tired of this gorgeous specimen....

Oh heck, you know I'll run again and more importantly I know I'll run....I told you weeks ago, I'll run until I'm 80.

See you in four years....



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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The saddest men in Gadsden tonight.....

Sometimes you choose a stud racehorse to go "all in" with....and sometimes you choose a jackass.

I'll let you decide what these morons chose....

I think I'll go drink myself sloppy...


Get your butts out to vote for me!!!!!!!

In fact, vote early......and vote often.

Forget the truth being told about me from the other side. This is about power....and needing a job.

If you have relatives that can't drive, I'll send Riley to pick them up. I would do it myself, but after my unfortunate boating accident, I'm not allowed to transport anyone....anywhere...

If you have relatives that are in the hospital...we will send an ambulance to pick them up.

If you have relatives that are dead, I'll dig them up.

Ole Steve needs your votes.

Do it for me one more time....


Monday, August 23, 2010

Just got off of Floyd's show....

And I needed a pair of these hip boots to get out of his studio. I was layin' it on thick....

Sometimes I amaze myself at the crap I pull out of thin air.

I'm the master.

No doubt about it.

Is it happy hour yet?


As I said so eloquently in the newspaper.....

Gadsden Times 08/22/10

But he wasn’t sure what he was supposed to do, so he continued to pray, he said.

About a week later, Means said he was playing the drums in the praise band at church, when the song “God of this City” began to play.

Face it, I own this town. They ought to rename it after me. I'm the most important person in this town's history. You all would be nothing without me.

Tomorrow morning, you are going to get up, eat your Cheerios, drink your coffee, get dressed, and drive your happy butts to the polls and obediently cast your vote for me. I deserve it, and more importantly, you all deserve me.

Papa needs a J---O---B.


Sunday, August 22, 2010

I'm a serial hugger....

Frankly, it scares the crap out of most of the people I hug. They will be strong....

I've even been rebuffed by a few folks. Their loss....



Saturday, August 21, 2010

Please forget this article too......

Steve's Friends?

and this one too...

How did I not know about this?

You might ask why I wouldn't know something about this? That's a valid question that I have no good answer for.....

I don't even like these people.....Never met them (after midnight).

Thanks for your ....whatever,